Sefton High School

Sincerity Scholarship Service

Telephone02 9644 4800

Principal's Message

photo of the principal

Sefton High School provides a rich learning environment where students can achieve excellence in all fields of endeavour since 1961. In 1989 Sefton High School the school became the first partially selective school in NSW.

We have very high expectations that every student strives for excellence in education by giving their personal best to every experience their personal best within the ethical frameworks of integrity and responsibility.

Parents partnering the school in a symbiotic relationship based on mutual trust and respect underpins the growth and attainment of every student. We therefore nurture and value respectful relationships with peers, school staff, parents and friends of the school.

Encouraging our students to value interactions based on principles of care and respect, will sustain and improve our communities and environments and prepare them for their futures.

Inspiring our students to value life-long learning and instilling in them a curiosity, will embrace new challenges beyond the school gates. We support their learning in the intellectual, creative and social domains whilst nurturing their passions as they develop from guided learners to autonomous and self-regulated young people ready to adapt to any situation that awaits them beyond the gates.

The school prides itself on academic excellence for all students through explicit and rigorous teaching in a traditional and structured environment, ensuring students gain entry to the most sought-after university degrees and access pathways most suited to diverse talents and aptitudes.

Our ambition is for our students to grow into engaged and motivated adults who make meaningful contributions to society.


Kevin Humphreys 
