Tell Them From Me

Tell Them From Me
Tell Them From Me is a suite of surveys for measuring student engagement and wellbeing. The surveys are used to capture student, parent and teacher voices, and provides our school with reliable evidence to use in school planning and improvement.
Student surveys
The Tell Them From Me student survey provides our school leaders with insights into student engagement, wellbeing and effective teaching practices from the perspective of students. At Sefton High School, we survey students in Years 8, 10 and 12 twice each year. These surveys are conducted during Term 1 (Snapshot Window 1) and Term 3 (Snapshot Window 2).
The student survey is conducted entirely online. The survey takes 15 to 20 minutes on average and no more than 30 minutes for most students. Students complete the survey during school hours, using school computers which are made available to them at scheduled times. Students are provided unique student usernames and passwords to maintain anonymity.
Further information can be found here:
Parent survey
The Partners in Learning parent survey is part of the Tell Them From Me suite of surveys on student engagement and wellbeing. The parent survey helps to clarify and strengthen the important relationship between parent and school. Participation in the parent survey is optional.
The parent survey provides the school principal and school leaders with parents' perspectives on their school as well as their child's learning at home. Communication between parents and staff, activities and practices at home, and parents views on the school's support of learning and positive behaviour to help build an accurate and timely picture that schools can use for practical improvements.
The survey is anonymous and is open for completion during Term 3. It is run at the same time as the teacher survey and the second student survey. The survey is available in multiple languages and is conducted entirely online on computers, tablets or smartphones during a specific survey window. The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete. Parents with more than one child at the school may choose to complete the survey more than once, if they feel that their children’s experiences differ.
Information for completing the survey will be emailed to parents during Term 3. Further information can be found here:
Teacher survey
The Focus on Learning teacher survey is part of the Tell Them From Me suite of surveys on student engagement and wellbeing. The teacher survey provides school principals and school leaders with insights into school and classroom effectiveness from the perspective of teachers. All teachers across all year levels in the school participate in the survey. The teacher survey is anonymous.
The teacher survey takes around 15 minutes and is conducted entirely online during a specific survey window, commencing each year in Terms 3. Teachers will have the option of completing the survey on their school or home computers at any time that is convenient within the survey window. The survey can also be completed on personal devices, including tablets and smartphones. The survey is anonymous and data suppression rules are applied to the school reporting tools where there are fewer than five responses. School leaders typically receive their school's data within three business days of closing the survey.