Head Teacher is Mrs M Konstantaras
About Languages Other Than English
The study of a language other than English provides students with the opportunity to acquire an understanding of another culture.
Courses in Other Languages
Sefton High School offers French and Japanese in Stages 4 and 5. The aim of the study of French and Japanese is to enable students to develop communication skills, focus on language as a system and gain insights into the relationship between language and culture, leading to lifelong personal, educational and vocational benefits.
The study of a language is mandatory in Year 8. From Year 9 onwards French and Japanese may be elective subjects depending on student choices. Students will learn to develop the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing through various activities. Topics include the following:
Topics Studied in Year 8 French
- Greetings and Introductions
- Culture and Geography
- Numbers
- School
- Café
- Time and Daily Routine
- Physical Descriptions
- Family and Animals
Topics Studied in Year 8 Japanese
- Introduction (Hello Everyone)
- Family and Pets
- Lets eat
- TIme and School
- What kind of person?
- Hobbies
- Festivals
Topics Studied in Year 9 French
- Weather, Seasons and Future Tense
- Sports and Hobbies
- Places in Town and Directions
- My home and household chores (includes present tensee of verbs)
- Food and Grocery Shopping
- Restaurant
- Health and Sickness
- Time to celebrate
Topics Studied in Year 9 Japanese
- Greetings, Hiragana and revision
- Katakana and Manga
- Time and Daily Routine
- School and Club activities
- Eat at the restaurant
- Shopping
- Hobbies and Interests
- Describing people
Topics Studied in Year 10 French
- Shopping and Clothing
- Katakana plans, Part-time jobs and Pocket money
- Travelling, Sightseeing, Hotel accommodation ad Past Tense
- At the train station
- Entertainment and Television
- Making arrangements and inviting someone out
- Film study - Nicolas en vacances
Topics Studied in Year 10 Japanese
- Family
- Home and Lifestyle
- Arouund town
- Giing directions
- Travel
- Future aspirations
- Apollying for a job
- Seaasons and Festivals
Languages Study in Years 11 and 12
French (Beginners or Continuers) and/or Japanese (Beginners/Continuers) may be available in Years 11 and 12 depending on student choices.
Students will have the option of either French/Japanese Beginners if they have studied French/Japanese in Year 8 only or French/Japanese Continuers, if they have studied French/Japanese in Years 9 and 10.
French Beginners
Stage 6 syllabus topics:
- The Personal World
- The French-speaking Communities
- Family life, home and neighbourhood
- People, places and communities
- Education and work
- Friends, recreation and pastimes
- Holiday, travel and tourism
- Future plans and aspirations
French Continuers
Stage 6 syllabus topics are broken down into themes, topics and sub topics.
The three prescribed themes are:
- The individual
- The French-speaking communities
- The changing world.
Japanese Beginners
Stage 6 syllabus topics are:
- Family life and friends
- Daily routine
- Home and neighbourhood
- Sports and hobbies
- Shopping
- Eating out
- Entertainment
- School
- Transport and directions
- Sightseeing
- Part time work and careers
Japanese Continuers
Stage 6 syllabus topics are broken into themes, topics and sub topics. The three presribed themes are:
- The individual
- The Japanese - speaking communities
- The changing world
Languages Assessment
Years 8 and 10 Languages Assessment
Classes in LOTE in Years 8 to 10 have a formal assessment schedule in which all students in the year do the same assessment tasks.
Years 11 and 12 Languages Assessment
There is a formal assessment schedule for all courses based on NESA requirements.
Language Excursions
These range from a French Breakfast, sushi day to excursions with French or Japanese themes, eg LOTE Theatre, French or Japanese restaurant, French or Japanese film, Alliance Francaise or Japan Foundation.
Elective students in Years 9 and 10 may have the opportunity to travel to France or Japan to practise their language skills in context.