Student Support

Staff with welfare roles in the school are
Principal - Mr K Humphreys
Deputy Principals -
Years 7 - 10 - Mr Dimopoulos
Years 8 - 11 - Mr T Mortimer
Years 9 - 12 - Mr T Elley
Head Teacher Student Welfare - Mr M Beggs
School Counsellor - Ms P Davidson
Year Advisers
Year 12 - Ms I Kacopieros
Year 11 - Mr C Idle
Year 10 - Ms L Wood
Year 9 - Ms S Alali
Year 8 - Mr S Holt
Year 7 - Ms SL Madrajat
Peer Support Coordinator - Mr D Collette
Student Mentoring Coordinator - Mr D Cree
Prefect Coordinator - Mr M Beggs
Student Representative Council Coordinator - Ms Q Tran
The school’s student welfare programs operate across the whole school and at both preventative and remedial levels. A referral system exists for staff to raise any concerns they have about individual students’ health, learning, conduct or general welfare. These referrals are reviewed on a weekly basis . School attendance figures are excellent at Sefton High School. If students are away, individual families may be contacted by the School. Parents are encouraged to contact the school when their child is absent and to follow up with a letter of explanation on the day the child returns to school.
- The Head Teacher Student Welfare oversees a range of student support programs.
- A student and/or parent can contact the Head Teacher Student Welfare to discuss issues of concern.
- If students and/or parents wish to see the School Counsellor they may do so by contacting their Deputy Principal before school, at recess or lunchtime to make an appointment. Messages can be left at the Administration Office asking for a counsellor to make contact.
- The Year Adviser has special responsibility for a particular year. As far as possible the Year Advisers stay with their cohortfor six years.
- A student and/or parent can contact the Year Adviser to discuss issues of concern about a school matter. Year Advisers conduct a review of Mid Year reports and may conduct interviews with students about their progress.
- Year Advisers coordinate fund raising event/s for charity, if the students wish to hold one. They also organise camps for Years 7 and 11.
All teachers monitor students’ progress throughout the year and as a result students in need may be given additional support to improve their skills by the Learning and Support Teacher.
This is a program in which trained Year 11 students assist Year 7 students in the process of settling into secondary school. It involves weekly meetings in groups in Term 1. Year 7 and the Year 11 Peer Support team also spend a day together at the Peer Support Picnic. Selected Year 10 students are trained to be Peer Support Leaders and then a team is chosen to fulfil the role in Year 11.
This is a mandatory 25-hour DET course designed to prepare and support senior students as they encounter situations related to health and safety as they become more independent and gain more responsibilities. It focuses on offering opporunities for students to build the functional knowlwge and skills for life post school.
Racist behaviour is not acceptable in this school. If a student feels that a member of the school community is behaving in a racist manner then he/she should talk to the Year Adviser, Deputy Principal or Principal or the school’s Anti-Racism Contact Officer, Mr Dimopoulos.
If a parent believes that a member of the school community is behaving in a racist manner then he/she should contact the Principal or the Deputy Principal. They will organise for the matter to be looked into and addressed.
The aim at Sefton High School is to provide an environment free of all forms of bullying and harassment. Programs have been established to assist in achieving this goal.
If a student feels he/she is being bullied or harassed by another student the student should report the situation to his/her Year Adviser or the Deputy Principal so that this situation can be assessed and addressed.
If a parent believes that a student is being subjected to bullying or harassment, he/she should report this to the Principal or Deputy Principal who will organise for the matter to be assessed and addressed.
The anti-bullying program is taught through Study Skills and PDHPE. The anti bullying message is reinforced through external programs throughout the year. A three stage Bullying Rehabilitation program run by the Head Teacher Student Welfare is in place in case bullying occurs. Parents will be informed if their child is required to engage in this program.
This is a compulsory course for Year 10 which further develops students’ understanding of how to take responsibility for ensuring that their work is their own original work. This course must be completed for a student to be eligible to be entered for the Higher School Certificate.
These are run for Year 12 to address issues such as time and stress management and provide guidance and tips on doing one’s best in examinations. Students are given resources which developed by the school to help them be better prepared for the HSC.
These are run in Years 7 and 11. They provide for the development of social skills, physical challenges and opportunities for a mixing of all the students in a year so they may get to know each other better, fostering harmonious relationships.
Students who need extra support may be referred to the Student Mentoring Program in which a student meets with a specially trained teacher on a fortnightly basis. This can assist the student with organisation and communication skills.
The Student Representative Council is an elected body of students across Years 7 to 11 who organise a range of whole-school activities for student enjoyment and fundraising for various charities.
The prefects are elected by their Year cohort and teachers. These students gain experience in leadership and are role models for the other students. They raise funds for charities and assist the school in various ways.
House Captains (Year 12), Vice Captains (Year 11) and Year Representatives (Years 7-10) gain experience in leadership and assist in the organisation of school sporting and other competitions.
This provides an opportunity for in-school work experience. These Year 10 students assist with a range of tasks around the school when needed.